Monday, 19 November 2012


Title : Count & Move



Skrip ini berguna untuk guru prasekolah.


“Good morning class”
“How are you today?”
“Before we enter class, I want all of you to take off your shoes and put it on the rack”
(Students take off shoes and enter the class)
“Make 2 lines. 1 line for boy and 1 line for girls”
“Sit down properly”
“Before we start our class, let us recite Al-Fatihah and doa to ask for blessing from Allah.”
“Please rise up your hand and recite it together. Al-Fatihah”
(Students rise up hand and recite Al-Fatihah)
“Now, we are going to sing our national anthem ‘Negaraku’”.
“Please stand up and stand straight. Put your hand on your side. No movement. Sing it loudly and clear. Listen to the music”
(Students sing ‘Negaraku’)
“Thank you, please sit down”
“Now, I’ll call your name for attendance. Those whose name is calling, please rise up your hand and say ‘Yes, sir’.”
“And if your friend not here, says ‘he/she absent, sir’.”
(Teacher call name for attendance)
“What day is today class?”
(Students give the name of day)
“Please, spell Monday (example)”
(Student spells the day and teacher writes it down)
“What date is today class?”
(Students give the date teacher writes it down)


“Class, now we are in the morning circle. Please sit in the circle.”
(Students sit in the circle)
“Today, we are going to talk/discuss/do activities about …………………… (Refer to the attachment)
“Those who want to speak up, please rise up your hand”


“Now, it’s time for recess”
“Please take your shoes and line up”
(Student put the shoes on and line up to the eating place)
“Please wash your hand using soap”
“Those who have washed your hand please sit down and wait for your friends”
“Rise up your hand and let recite doa together”
(Students recite the doa)
“Now, you may eat “
“Eat slowly”
“Those who have finished eating put back your plate and mug in the sink”
“You have to brush your teeth after eating”
“Go and take your teeth brush”
(Students go and collect their teeth brush)
“After finished brush your teeth, put back all the teeth brush in its place”
“Now, recite the doa after eating”
(Students recite the doa)
“You may go and play”


“Alhamdulillah, time’s now 11.35 am. It’s almost time to end up class today”
“Before we going home, let us refreshed our mind about what we have learned today”.
(Teacher explained about the lesson today)
(Teacher asked some questions about the lesson)
“Tomorrow, we are going to do …. (Explain about the lesson/activities planned for tomorrow)
(Greetings – thank you sir, good bye sir, see you tomorrow, Assalamualaikum)
“Before we end our class, let’s us recite Al-Asr”
(Student recites al-Asr. Class disperse)

 Sila tingglkan komen anda di sini.


Contoh Jadual Waktu Prasekolah


Sekolah Kebangsaan Ulu Entaih Sekolah Terbilang Daerah Julau Menjelang 2015


1. Meningkat dan memantapkan prestasi kurikulum.
2. Melahirkan insan yang berketrampilan, optimistik dan mempunyai disiplin yang terpuji.
3. Menjana potensi murid dalam bidang kokurikulum.
4. Memastikan persekitaran sekolah sentiasa selamat, bersih dan kondusif.
5. Melahirkan warga yang celik ICT.
6. Mewujudkan sistem pengurusan dan pentadbiran yang telus dan tulus.

Sunday, 7 October 2012


Alhamdulillah dek kerana hambatan waktu, hajat dihati untuk membuat blog untuk anak-anak murid tersayang akhirnya terlaksana. Lepaslah hajat yang terbuku dihati saya, puas dan lega rasanya. Erm nak mula dari mana ya! Prasekolah ni dah operasi bertahun lamanya tapi blog baru nak ada..takpe kita mula dari  A sampai Z..jom pakat blog walking kat sini. Sumbang-saran anda untuk penambahbaikan prasekolah SKUT sangat saya alu-alukan.